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Malaysian Management Journal (MMJ) Vol. 9 No.1 & 2 June/ December 2005

A Study on Store Image Attributes and Loyalty Behaviour
Selvan Perumal
Faculty of Business Management
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
This study investigates the relationship between store image and store loyalty behaviour for supermarket stores. The study also determines the major attributes in the store image dimensions. The research survey involved a field study using the questionnaire survey method. A total of 204 customers of three supermarkets provided the input for this study. The survey identified five major components of store image attributes, namely, store convenience, conducive atmosphere, value price, employee service and product assortments. The findings of this study revealed a positive relationship between store image attributes and store loyalty behaviour. Analysis of the demographic variables indicated that there is no significant difference among the age groups, genders and income levels for store loyalty behaviour. There are however, some significant differences in store loyalty behaviour among respondents who are married and those with higher education, suggesting that store managers should focus on the needs of these groups.

A Re-Evaluation of the Determinants of FDI in Malaysia
Nor `Aznin Abu Bakar
Faculty of EConomics
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Lau Ming Sern
Faculty of Accountancy and Management
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
This paper examines the key determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Malaysia using time series analysis techniques that address the problem of non-stationarity. Specifically, variables such as trade openness, infrastructure quality, market-size, human capital and natural resource are tested using the ADF and cointegration tests to ensure that the regression is not spurious. In line with several other empirical studies, results obtained confirm that traditional factors such as market size are still dominant factors shaping the distribution of FDI in Malaysia, while the natural resource availability is the only insignificant variable. However, other non-traditional factors such as trade openness, agglomeration and human capital are also greatly increasing in importance, especially during this era of globalisation. Besides that, the complex global integration strategies adopted by multi-national companies (MNCs), which favour the presence of sophisticated and created assets in host countries over most other determinants also play an important role. Therefore, it is crucial that developing countries formulate policies that improve local infrastructure, local skills and build up their human resource capabilities to increase competition for FDI.

A Radical - Transformational Change Through Leadership
Hartini Ahmad
Faculty of Business Management
Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Arthur Francis
School of Management,
University of Bradford.
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
This paper is concerned with leadership practices in a radical process change, namely, business process reengineering (BPR). The paper looks at the higher education context, which has successfully implemented BPR in their key processes. The results were taken from three in-depth case studies using the triangulation approach which includes open-ended interviews and use of secondary data. The results had shown six important leadership factors as key drivers to enable process change to happen successfully. Leaders need to be able to practise different leadership approaches or styles based on situations, emphasise on a strategic vision, use effective communications, do reinforcement, give commitment and support, and have leadership qualities. Some suggestions regarding leadership best practices for a radical transformational change are also outlined.

What Drives Brand Equity? The Perspective of Malaysian Consumers
Norjaya Mohd, Yasin
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Mohd Nasser Noor & Osman Mohamad
School of Management
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
Considering the importance of brand equity in brand management and the role played by brand equity in the success of the firm, this study examines the factors that influence the formation of brand equity particularly the equity of brands of household electrical appliances namely televisions, refrigerators and air-conditioners. In the conceptual model of brand equity, the dimensions of brand awareness, brand loyalty, perceived quality, and brand associations are postulated to affect the formation of brand equity. On the basis of an analysis of a survey data of 501 respondents taken from consumers of household electrical appliances in the state of Selangor and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur; this study found that the dimensions of brand equity comprised of three elements, namely, brand distinctiveness, brand loyalty, and brand awareness/associations. These three elements were found to have positive and significant influences on the formation of brand equity of electrical goods.

Trade Openness, Economic Growth and Convergence: Evidence from Selected Asian Countries
Mohd Zaini Abdul Karim
Faculty of Economics
University Utara Malaysia.
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
It is argued that countries, which adopt an open economic policy, enjoy faster economic growth than countries which do not, suggesting that "trade openness" can spur economic growth. However, the issue is whether the positive impact of trade openness to economic growth varies across countries. Hence, the objective of this paper is to determine whether the effect of openness to trade on economic growth varies across the region in Asia. To achieve this objective, panel data regressions were employed to estimate the growth equation. Empirical results indicated that "trade openness" does have a positive effect on economic growth and the marginal benefit from improved openness is somewhat higher for East Asian Economies relative to other Asian economies.

A Model for Implementing Accounting Information Systems in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Noor Azizi Ismail
Faculty of Accountancy
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Malcolm King
Business School
Loughborough University
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
Much have been researched about the issues of accounting and information systems (IS) in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), including their link to performance. However, past studies have struggled to show a direct impact of either accounting or IS on performance. Based on a comprehensive review of accounting and IS literature, this paper offers an alternative model to viewing the fit between accounting information systems (AIS) requirements and IS processing capacity, and assessing the link with the performance of SMEs. Using information processing theory as a theoretical foundation, the model offers new insights into the potential factors that influence AIS requirements, types of IT sophistication and its link to IS processing capacity, the fit between AIS requirements and IS processing capacity, and the potential impact of aligning AIS requirements and IS processing capacity on overall firm performance.