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Malaysian Management Journal (MMJ) Vol. 1 No. 1 September 1992

Entrepreneurship and Enterprise: The Influence of Work Experience on Enterprising Tendency – An Empirical Evidence
Mohd. Salleh Hj. Din
Graduate School,
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
This research explores the influence of different types of work experience on business students’ entrepreneurial tendency in higher education. The research reveals that the majority of the students had not any permanent full-time job experience after their secondary education. Those who had experience of a greater number of permanent full-time jobs were found to be more enterprising than those who had a lesser number. However, the result indicates that there was no association between students’ enterprising tendency and having had permanent full-time job is small and large private professional practices and public sector organisations. On the other hand, the results reveal that those who had permanent full-time job in small business organisations are likely to be more enterprising than those who had not. These findings suggest the importance of certain types of work experience, such as working is small and large business organisations, which should be highlighted in enterprise and entrepreneurship development programmes.

A Study of Job Stress Among Professional Accountants Working in Selected Public Accounting Firms : A Malaysian Case
Azham Md. Ali
School of Accounting
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
The study replicates and extends earlier studies on job stress in public accounting conducted in the United States (Gaertner and Ruhe, 1981) and Britain (Lyall, 1984) it is done through an extensive review of literature on job stress and field study using the same questionnaire as utilized in the two earlier studies with only slight modifications are made to suit the Malaysian context. The study seeks answer to what may be the sources of stress, psychological outcomes and moderators of stressful situations in selected public accounting firms and whether there exist significant linear relationships between the job stressors and mental strains. Furthermore, it attempts to find out whether different firm sizes, functional areas and position levels differ significantly in the stressors confronted and strains experienced by the public accountants. The findings indicate that stressors faced by most respondents are quantitative workload, variations in workload, responsibility for persons and travel. Very few report confronting role conflict and role ambiquity. As for the mental strains, respondents do not show that they are experiencing any except for job and workload dissatisfactions and pa inequity. It is also found that more than 70 percent of the respondents feel that they have job autonomy and that they do not possess the Type A personality traits.

Requirements and Selection Decision of Customer in Islamic and Conventional Banking Environment
Sudin Haron, Norafifah Ahmad & Sandra L. Planisek
School of Management
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
Competition is the main challenge faced by commercial banks globally. They are not only competing just among themselves but also with other institutions within the financial industry. In Malaysia, the competition is becoming fiercer with the existence of banks which operate based on Islamic principles. To attract more customers both the bankers of conventional and Islamic banks should acquire information about factors which influence people in patronising their bank. This study investigates how Malaysian bank users select conventional banks, what services they want, and also how they perceive Islamic banking. Results show that there are many similarities between Muslims and non-Muslims in their selection of banks and utilization of services. A slight different however, exists in their knowledge of Islamic banks.

The Effects of Computer Usage, Environmental Uncertainty and Management Accounting Systems on Small Business Performance
Ferdinanda A. Gul, William Glen & Allan Ruguang Huang
Division of Commerce and Administration
Griffith University
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
Using a sample of SME managers/owners as subjects, this study examined the moderating effects of perceived environmental uncertainty (PEU) and computer usage on the management accounting system (MAS) or performance relationship. Performance in this study was measured using the compound growth rate of market value of the firm (GMV) and growth rate of fixed assets (GFA). SME was defined as companies with between 10 to 100 employees. Results using multiple regression analyses and partial derivatives of the regression equations showed that PEU moderated the effects of MAS on performance with MAS having a positive effect on performance under high levels of PEU. In addition, the results also showed that levels of computer usage moderated the effects of MAS on performance with MAS also having a positive effect on performance under conditions where there was a high level of computer usage. Under low levels of PEU and computer usage had a negative relationship with performance.

Kesan Pengumuman Pengambilalihan Terhadap Harga Saham di Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur
Ku Nor Izah Ku Ismail
Sekolah Perakaunan
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
This paper investigates the effects of acquisition’s announcement on the stock prices of the acquiring firms, around the announcement dates. Announcements made during the period 1983 to 1987 were included in this study. The results shows that there is no significant difference in the price change of the acquiring firms during the period, as compared to other firms in the market.

Real Versus Nominal Adjustment Mechanism of the Malaysian Money Demand Function : Further Evidence
Muzafar Shah Habibullah
Department of Economics
Faculty of Economics and Management
Universiti Pertanian Malaysia
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
This article investigates the issue of real versus nominal adjustment specifications in the Malaysian money demand function. Performance of both specifications was subjected to several tests, namely ; model specification ex-post forecasting ability and stability tests. Our results shows that under both specifications, the Malaysian money demand function for M1, M2 and M3 are not stable for the period 1962 – 1991. Our question is, does financial innovation during the period of 1979 – 1991 affected the stability of the Malaysian money demand function? A test on Gurley-Shaw hypothesis was done to answer the above question. However, our results suggest that financial innovation does not play a major role in affecting the Malaysian money demand function during the period under study. Nevertheless, the interest rate elasticities (for both short-run and long-run) has been declining over the period of 1979 – 1991, indicating the effectiveness of monetary policy as a policy tool.

Human Resource Development : The Key Towards a Developed and Industrialised Society
Othman Yeop Abdullah
Universiti Utara Malaysia
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
The important relationship between the quality of human resource and the well-being of a nation has been repeatedly proven through examples from the past and present. Civilizations such as Greek and Islam and modern nations such as Japan, Korea and Switzerland flourish because of their human resources. Abundant natural resources necessarily do not guarantee the success of a nation, but abundant skilled human resources can creatively utilize limited natural resources. Thus, this paper seeks to explain the relationship between Human Resource Development (HRD) and becoming a developed industrialized society. The paper defines the concept HRD, explains factors that will influence HRD and outlines some approaches to HRD. In the final section, it looks specifically at HRD and industrialization process.

Shareholders' Versus Management's Interest: A Review
Shamsher Mohamad & Annuar Md. Nassir
Department of Accounting and Finance
Faculty of Economics and Management
Universiti Pertanian Malaysia
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
Shareholders are basically owners of their corporations who elect corporate directors (who are policy makers) and employed corporate management (who implement corporate policies). In modern. businesses, due to the large number and dispersion of shareholders, control is normally vested to professional managers who may pursue actions in their own self-interest rather than those of the shareholders. This paper reviews various ways managers are perceived to deviate from the shareholders' wealth maximisation objective, and the possible methods and constraints involved of aligning management's and shareholders' interests. In the final analysis, the long-term survival of the firm and the management depends upon the management's actions being congruous with shareholders' interest.

The Development of the Law of the Sea in Relation to Malaysia
Zakaria M. Yatim
High Court Malaya
Kuala Lumpur
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
Freedom of the seas existed during the Melaka Sultanate. When the Portugese and later the Dutch occupied Melaka, the seas were treated as mare clausum. The concept of the territorial sea was evolved during British Colonial period. Conventional rules of the law of the sea applied to Malaysia by. accessions to the relevant conventions. The law of the sea also developed thorough unilateral claims, bilateral treaties and legislations. The Statement relating to Article 233 of the Convention on the law of the sea may develop into a special legal regime perculiar to the Straits of Malacca and Singapore.

Case Study: Turnaround Strategy - The Case of Malaysian Marble Sdn. Bhd.
Husna Johari & Rusmala Mohd Daud
Sekolah Pengarusan
Univo-siti Mara Malaysia
Abstract Ɩ Full Text
Malaysian Marble Sdn. Bhd. (MMSB) incorporated in 17 June, 1981 was established to quarry and process marble from the limestone quarries of Pulau Pelangi. When MMSB started their commercial production in the mid of 1983, the positive revenues anticipated was never achieved. Instead the company experienced losses for that year and also for the subsequent years. By 1986, the company wane almost auctioned for a price of $5 million. Hence, Consultant Managers (CM), was brought in to help the ailing company in 1987. Generally, the purpose of the sdudy is to identify the weaknesses of MMSB before turnaround and to evaluate the present stage of the company after CM came into the picture. The researchers adopted presonal interview method in handling the study. From the information gathered, there had been a lot of functional problems like management, marketing, production and finance. Until now, CM had undertook several corrective measures. However, it has still not achieved its target to turnaround MMSB completely.

Book Review
Enterprise: Creation, Development and Growth
Title                      :               Enterprise: Creation, Development and Growth
By                         :               Tom cannon
Publisher              :               Buutterwortg-Heinemann
Total Pages          :               236
ISBN No               :               0750600144
Riviewer               :               Mohd. Salleh Hj. Din
Synopsis Ɩ Full Text
The subject of this book is divided into twelve chapters with the first chapter starting with an overview of the enterprise concept. This chapter also highlights how individuals show enterprise in many situations. The remaining chapters cover the spread of ideas such as the entrepreneurial economy, enterprise support system, building and managing an enterprise, management and the larger enterprise, public and voluntary enterprises, personal development, group work and networking. Finally, there is a chapter on individuality, enterprise and the future.